Diagnostic Value of Sensory Nerve Conduction Studies in Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy

Safiye Gül Kenar, Bülent Cengiz, Reha Kuruoğlu

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2023.08365

Issue: 2023, Volume 29 - Issue 4
896 540

Decreased Stuttering while Walking: Speech and fMRI Findings

Özlem Öge Daşdöğen, Çiğdem Ulaşoğlu Yıldız, Elif Kurt, Tamer Demiralp

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2022.40501

Issue: 2023, Volume 29 - Issue 1
550 456

Evaluation of Short-term Memory, Working Memory, and Executive Functions in Patients with Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis

Furkan Duman, Handan Can, Alev Leventoğlu

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2022.24992

Issue: 2022, Volume 28 - Issue 3
521 558

Internal Stigmatization and Mental Health in Patients with Stroke

Eylem Özaydın Göksu, Şennur Delibaş Katı

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.72335

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 4
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A Stroke Case Associated with Tibolone Intake in a Male-to-Female Transgender Patient: A Case Report and Review of Literature

Ahmet Akpınar, Irmak Salt, Kadriye İrem Carus, Işıl Kalyoncu Aslan, Leyla Ramazanoğlu, Eren Gözke

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.32798

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 4
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Fetal Outcomes of Anti-epileptic Drug Use in Pregnancy: Teratologic Approach

Aysel Kalaycı Yiğin, Mustafa Tarık Alay, Mehmet Seven

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.42402

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 1
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Epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis in Turkey; A Ten-Year Trend in Rural Cities

Cem Bölük, Ülkü Türk Börü, Mustafa Taşdemir, Tuğçe Gezer

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.36418

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 1
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The Effect of STAF Score and Clinical Data on Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Determination in Patients with Cryptogenic Stroke

Aygül Tantik Pak, Zahide Mail Gürkan, Yıldızhan Şengül

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.45143

Issue: 2020, Volume 26 - Issue 3
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Distinguishing Acute Motor Axonal Neuropathy from Hypokalemia Induced Paralysis: Add 15 Minutes for an Exercise Test

Şefik Evren Erdener, F Gökçem Yıldız, Ezgi Yetim Arsava, Çağrı Mesut Temuçin

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Issue: 2017, Volume 23 - Issue 3
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Episodic paroxysmal hemicrania with an atypical clinical presentation: a case report and review of the literature

Yüksel Kaplan, Özden Kamışlı, Sibel Altınayar

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Issue: 2015, Volume 21 - Issue 2
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Anterior choroidal artery occlusions: Clinical and laboratory features

Lale Gündoğdu Çelebi, Münevver Gökyiğit, Reyyan Ezer, Özge Kiremitçi, Hülya Ertaşoğlu Toydemir, Nihan Parasız

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Issue: 2014, Volume 20 - Issue 4
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Double Filtration Plasmapheresis in the Treatment of a Case with Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis

Mehmet Uğur Çevik, Mehmet Guli Çetinçakmak, Sefer Varol, Eşref Akıl

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Issue: 2013, Volume 19 - Issue 2
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Abducens Nerve Palsy in a Patient with Multiple Myeloma: A Case Report

Mohammad Reza Najafi, Marzieh Rahimi, Seyed Ali Sonbolestan, Farideh Najafi

Issue: 2011, Volume 17 - Issue 3
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Neurocritical Care in Turkey

Mehmet Akif Topcuoglu, Ayşe Sağduyu Kocaman, Şerefnur Öztürk, Bijen Nazlıel, Hadiye Şirin

Issue: 2011, Volume 17 - Issue 1
0 320

Speech and Language Disturbances in Neurology Practice

Oğuz Tanrıdağ

Issue: 2009, Volume 15 - Issue 4
0 398

Isolated Deep Infarcts: Which Size Indicates Single Penetrating Artery Disease?

Nilüfer Yeşilot, Yakup Krespi, Erdem Tüzün, Oğuzhan Çoban, Rezzan Tuncay, Sara Bahar

Issue: 2007, Volume 13 - Issue 3
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Fibrous Dysplasia: lnvolvement of Skull Base, Temporal and Occipital Bones


Issue: 2005, Volume 11 - Issue 3
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Episodic Paroxysmal Hemicrania of Unusually Short Duration

Babür DORA

Issue: 2003, Volume 9 - Issue 1
0 271

Mismatch Negativity in Music Talented


Issue: 2001, Volume 7 - Issue 2
0 168

Paroxysmal Dyskinesia: Report of Four Cases


Issue: 2001, Volume 7 - Issue 1
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