Şefik Evren Erdener1, F Gökçem Yıldız2, Ezgi Yetim Arsava1, Çağrı Mesut Temuçin1

1Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Ankara, Turkey
2Hacettepe University Institute of Neurological Sciences and Psychiatry, Ankara, Turkey

Keywords: Acute motor axonal neuropathy, hypokalemic periodic paralysis, hypokalemia, exercise test, nerve conduction studies


We evaluated the reversible electrophysiologic abnormalities of two cases of hypokalemia paralysis (HypoPP) because of its similar findings in acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN). Nerve conduction studies (NCS), repetitive nerve stimulation, and exercise tests were performed in both patients. Adding a 15 minute-exercise test to routine NCS may help distinguish AMAN from HypoPP.