The Effect of Misophonia on the Severity of Depression and Anxiety in Multiple Sclerosis

Safiye Gül Kenar, Hatice Yüksel, Nuriye Kayalı Şendur, Semra Mungan

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2022.93892

Issue: 2022, Volume 28 - Issue 1
550 253

Listeria Meningitis with Aspergillosis After Alemtuzumab Treatment

Ahmet Kasım Kılıç, Tuğçe Kara, Banu Özen Barut

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.42899

Issue: 2022, Volume 28 - Issue 1
188 247

The Role of Visual Evoked Potentials in the Differential Diagnosis of Demyelinating Diseases

Nurhan Kaya Tutar, Sami Ömerhoca, Elif Söylemez, Turgut Adatepe, Nilüfer Kale

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.75010

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 4
233 296

Association of Epidermolysis Bullosa and Multiple Sclerosis: A Case Report and Literature Review

Hossein Mozhdehipanah, Sepideh Paybast, Ali Emami

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.41032

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 4
777 256

Could Serum Endocan Be a Vascular Endothelial Marker in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis?

Arife Çimen Atalar, Mesrure Köseoğlu, Nurettin Yavuz, Yüksel Erdal, Osman Oğuz, Ufuk Emre

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.81073

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 3
247 264

Investigation of the Relationship Between Trunk Motor Control and Balance, Functional Mobility, and Gait Capacity in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Nezehat Özgül Ünlüer, Taşkın Özkan, Mustafa Ertuğrul Yaşa, Yasemin Ateş, Ömer Anlar

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.41017

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 3
203 319

Relationship of Smoking with Fatigue and Depression in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Yasemin Ekmekyapar Fırat, Aylin Akçalı, Sırma Geyik, Gülsüm Çomruk, Emine Kılıçparlar Cengiz, Mehmet Erten

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.24119

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 3
309 308

Non-pharmacologic Approaches to Dysphagia in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review

Gülşah Kesik, Leyla Özdemir

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.55770

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 2
322 277

The Predictive Value of the Systemic Immune-inflammation Index as a New Prognostic Marker for Disability in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Hikmet Saçmacı, Tülin Aktürk, Nermin Tanık

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.50329

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 2
217 327

The Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Evaluating Atypical Inflammatory Demyelinating Lesions

Zeynep Özdemir, Erkan Acar, Aysun Soysal

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.00907

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 2
215 238

Etiologic Subtypes, Risk Factors and Early Outcome of Acute Ischemic Stroke in Females

Eda Aslanbaba Bahadır, Mine Hayriye Sorgun, Zerin Özaydın Aksun, Tehran Allahverdiyev, Onur Bulut, Şeyda Erdoğan, Fatma Tuğra Karaarslan, Aygül Nadirova, Büşra Ölmez, Canay Önder, Turgut Şahin, Ömer Eray Yalap, Zehra Yavuz, Abdullah Yasir Yılmaz, Mustafa Erdoğan, Canan Togay Işıkay

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.09086

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 2
267 245

Investigation of the Effects of Game Supported Rehabilitation Program on Motor and Cognitive Skills in a Patient with Co-occurrence of Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease: A Case Report

Gülşah Sütçü, Muhammed Kılınç

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.84594

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 2
203 334

Epilepsia Partialis Continua in a Patient with Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

Gökhan Görken, Abdullah Yılgör

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.96992

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 2
221 226

Brain Death Diagnosis and Management in the Pandemic: Expert Opinion of the Turkish Neurological Society Neurological Intensive Care Scientific Working Group

Tuğçe Mengi, Hadiye Şirin, Erdem Yaka, Atilla Özcan Özdemir, Ethem Murat Arsava, Mehmet Akif Topçuoğlu

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.88785

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 1
0 247

Effects of Body Temperature Lowering on Visual Evoked Potentials in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Turan Poyraz, Fethi İdiman, Ahmet Onur Keskin, Leyla İyilikçi Karaoğlan, Egemen İdiman

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.25589

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 1
0 241

Epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis in Turkey; A Ten-Year Trend in Rural Cities

Cem Bölük, Ülkü Türk Börü, Mustafa Taşdemir, Tuğçe Gezer

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.36418

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 1
0 472

Autoantibody and Viral Serologic Examinations in Multiple Sclerosis and Stroke

Beuy Joob, Viroj Wowanitkit

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.99897

Issue: 2020, Volume 26 - Issue 4
0 220

Balance and Gait Impairment in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis with the Absence of Clinical Disability

Hatice Ayan, Özge Ertekin, Turhan Kahraman, Serkan Özakbaş

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.36036

Issue: 2020, Volume 26 - Issue 3
0 248

A Multifaceted Evaluation of National Off-label Neurology Applications

Şükran Yurtoğulları, Hanife Rahmanlar, Ali Alkan, Banu Bayar, Hakkı Gürsöz, Nurten Uzun Adatepe

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.37791

Issue: 2020, Volume 26 - Issue 3
0 250

The Relationship Between Mean Platelet Volume, Platelet Count, Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio, and Recanalization Success in First-pass Thrombectomy of Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusions

Nihat Şengeze, Semih Giray

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.87405

Issue: 2020, Volume 26 - Issue 2
0 250