Delayed Encephalopathy of Carbon Monoxide Intoxication and Treatment with Hyperbaric Oxygen: A Case Report

Fatma Polat, Nur Yüceyar, Ali Akay, Ayşe Sağduyu Kocaman

DOI: 10.4274/Tnd.92259

Issue: 2012, Volume 18 - Issue 3
0 232

Neck Tongue Syndrome; Started During Childhood and Still Existing

Levent Ertuğrul İnan, Nurten İnan, Esra Süt, Özlem Coşkun, Serap Üçler

DOI: 10.4274/Tnd.55822

Issue: 2012, Volume 18 - Issue 2
0 383

Experience of Glatiramer Acetate in the Treatment of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Özlem Taşkapılıoğlu, Aslı Bahar Turan, Murat Albas, Ömer Faruk Turan

DOI: 10.4274/Tdn.64325

Issue: 2012, Volume 18 - Issue 1
0 336

The Rare Primary Stabbing Headache: A Case Report

Arzu Çoban, Mustafa Ertaş

DOI: 10.4274/Tnd.42650

Issue: 2012, Volume 18 - Issue 1
0 744

Persistent Facial Paralysis to delayed diagnosis of Ramsey hunt Syndrome

Erkan Karataş

Issue: 2011, Volume 17 - Issue 2
0 182

Intravenous Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke

Semai Bek, Tayfun Kaşıkçı, Gençer Genç, Hakan Akgün, Şeref Demirkaya, Zeki Odabaşı

Issue: 2009, Volume 15 - Issue 4
0 211

General Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis in Turkey

Murat Terzi, Yahya Çelik, Münire Kılınç, Feray Seleker, Nihal Işık, Muhteşem Gedizlioğlu, Yaşar Zorlu

Issue: 2009, Volume 15 - Issue 3
0 170

Choosing Old and New Antiepileptic Drugs in Epilepsy Treatment

Semai Bek, Tayfun Kaşıkçı, Güray Koç, Gencer Genç, Zeki Gökçil, Zeki Odabaşı

Issue: 2009, Volume 15 - Issue 2
0 283

A Case of High-Grade Basilar Artery Stenosis with Spontaneous Recovery

E. Murat Arsava, Okay Sarıbaş, Saruhan Çekirge, Turgay Dalkara

Issue: 2009, Volume 15 - Issue 2
0 222

A Pregnancy Case with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension that Improved with Diet

Güner Koyuncu Çelik, Mehmet Borazan

Issue: 2009, Volume 15 - Issue 2
0 286

Hot Cross Bun” Sign in a Patient With Multiple System Atrophy and REM-Behaviour Disorder

Gülçin Benbir, Sibel Özekmekçi, Nursen Mutlu

Issue: 2008, Volume 14 - Issue 4
0 198

Menstrual Migraine and Its Treatment

Başak Göksel

Issue: 2008, Volume 14 - Issue 1
0 231

Cerebral Vein and Sinus Thrombosis: Clinical Evaluation

Levent Güngör, Nilgün Cengiz, Musa K. Onar

Issue: 2006, Volume 12 - Issue 3
0 221

Asymmetrical Lobar Degenerations: Clinical, Neuropsychological, Scanning Data

Neşe Tuncer, İpek Midi, Tülin Tanrıdağ, Aynur Mollahasanoğlu, Özen Çatan, Önder Us

Issue: 2006, Volume 12 - Issue 2
0 234

Risk Factors in Developing Hallucinations in Parkinson’s Disease

Gülçin Benbir, Sibel Özekmekçi, Meral Çınar, Fuat Beşkardeş, Hülya Apaydın, Ethem Erginöz

Issue: 2006, Volume 12 - Issue 1
0 180

Effects of Antidepressant Treatment on Fatigue in MS Patients with Depression and Fatigue

Nalan Soyder Kuş, Yaşar Zorlu, Ümit Zanapalıoğlu, Murat Özçelik, Duygu Akarsu, Nurdan Ökten

Issue: 2006, Volume 12 - Issue 1
0 202

The Effect Of Seizure Type, Age at Onset and Drug Protocols on Prognosis of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy

Kezban Aslan, Hacer Bozdemir, Meltem Demirkıran, Refik Burgut

Issue: 2006, Volume 12 - Issue 1
0 189

Non-surgical lntracranial Tumors: Lipomas

Mithat Halil ÖZTÜRK, Birsen ÜNAL, Gülşah BADEMCİ, Yasemin BİLGİLİ

Issue: 2005, Volume 11 - Issue 2
0 153

Clinical Spectrum of Bilateral Striatopallidodentate Calcinosis


Issue: 2004, Volume 10 - Issue 5
0 125

University Students' Method and Doctor Preference in Headache Treatment

Yüksel KAPLAN, G. Semiha KURT

Issue: 2004, Volume 10 - Issue 5
0 128