Management of Multiple Sclerosis patient in special conditions

Ayşe Altıntaş, Uğur Uygunoğlu, Burcu Zeydan, Tülin Coşkun

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Issue: 2013, Volume 19 - Issue 3
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Double Filtration Plasmapheresis in the Treatment of a Case with Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis

Mehmet Uğur Çevik, Mehmet Guli Çetinçakmak, Sefer Varol, Eşref Akıl

DOI: 10.4274/Tnd.39206

Issue: 2013, Volume 19 - Issue 2
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A Pregnancy Case with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension that Improved with Diet

Güner Koyuncu Çelik, Mehmet Borazan

Issue: 2009, Volume 15 - Issue 2
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Cerebrovascular Accidents Related with Pregnancy

Sibel KIZKIN, Handan Işın ÖZIŞIK, Özkan ATEŞ, Cemal ÖZCAN

Issue: 2004, Volume 10 - Issue 6
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The COVID-19 Pandemic, a Risk Management Approach

Jacques Reis, Serefnur Ozturk, Zeliha Tulek, Peter Spencer

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.93296

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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Neurological Spectrum of COVID-19: A Practical Review

Mehmet Akif Topçuoğlu, Şerefnur Öztürk

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Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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Myalgia-arthralgia and Associated Factors in Patients with COVID-19

Fettah Eren, Bengü Özkan, Ayşegül Demir

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.85453

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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Post-extubation Dysphagia and COVID-2019

Dilek Yılmaz, Tuğçe Mengi, Sema Sarı

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.13360

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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Electroencephalographic Findings in Patients with COVID-19: A Single-center Experience

Nur Türkmen, Ahmet Buğrul, Bülent Oğuz Genç

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Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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Evaluation of Depression and Anxiety of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparison with the General Population

Gizem Yağmur Yalçın, Cansu Polat Dunya, Zeliha Tülek, Murat Kürtüncü, Mefkure Eraksoy

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.63444

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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Guillain-Barré Syndrome with Bilateral Peripheral Facial Nerve Paralysis After COVID-19 Infection

Özgül Ocak

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.78095

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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Donepezil Treatment of Hypersomnia After COVID-19

Demet Aygün Üstel, Pervin İşeri, Meltem Can İke

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.29726

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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Is a Brain Stroke Caused by COVID-19 Seen Under Two Years of Age? A Case Report

Mohammad Vafaee Shahi, Sedigheh Yousefzadegan, Ramin Zare Mahmoudabadi, Fatemeh Ahmadi, Aina Riahi

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.42492

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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Post COVID-19 Rhino-Orbital-Cerebral Mucormycosis: The Guitar Pick Sign

Kiran Kumar Ramineni, Krishna Mohan Reddy Gangireddy, Sashidhar Reddy Gutha, Ravi Kanth Jakkani, Ugandhar Bhattu

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.35493

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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COVID-19-associated Leukoencephalopathy Involving the Splenium of the Corpus Callosum

Özlem Kayım Yıldız, Bülent Yıldız, Mürşit Hasbek, Gülsüm Aslı Tatlı, Murtaza Öz

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.38445

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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Guillain Barré Syndrome: A Rare Neurological Manifestation of COVID-19

Amina Chentouf

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.03453

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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Encephalitis, Reversible Splenial Lesions, and COVID-19

Rujittika Mungmunpuntipantip, Viroj Wiwanitkit

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.90093

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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Pandemic-Triggered Aberrant Drug Use may Cause Failure of Antiepileptic Therapy

Manolya Bergüzar Şekerlisoy, Aslıhan Taşkıran Sağ

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.45804

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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Guillain-Barré Syndrome and COVID-19 Vaccines: A Comment

Joob Beuy, Viroj Wiwanitkit

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Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Supplement 1
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A rare variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome: Isolated bilateral facial paralysis

Saniye Karabudak, Zeliha Matur, Aslı Yaman Kula, Vildan Güzel, Ferda İlgen Uslu

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Issue: 2024, Volume 30 - Issue 4
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