Electroencephalographic Findings in Patients with COVID-19: A Single-center Experience
Nur Türkmen, Ahmet Buğrul
, Bülent Oğuz Genç
Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Konya, Turkey
Keywords: COVID-19, electroencephalography, epilepsy
Objective: Neurological manifestations associated with coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) are broad and heterogeneous. Although the predominant clinical presentation is respiratory dysfunction, concerns have been raised about the neurological hallmarks. Many reports suggest some findings on electroencephalography (EEG) can be relevant to COVID-19.
Materials and Methods: Patients with COVID-19 admitted to hospital and referred for EEG from March 1, 2020 to February 15, 2021, were retrospectively enrolled. When research databases were queried with the terms “COVID-19 (ICD code: 10: U07.3) and “EEG”, total number of patients obtained was 32. Number of patients excluded due to unconfirmed diagnose with COVID-19 was 12. Twenty adult patients with certain diagnose of COVID-19 who underwent 21-electrode routine EEG during the outbreak with neurological deterioration were identified.
Results: Background abnormalities was evident in one of fourth patients (n=5, 25%). Mild diffuse slowing (n=3, 15%) and focal slowing (n=3, 15%) with left frontotemporal tendency (n=2, 10%) were observed. Epileptiform abnormalities and seizures were detected showing focal (n=4, 20%) or generalized onset (n=1, 5%).
Conclusion: Here we performed a retrospective single-centre study to evaluate the electroencephalographic findings in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 since it remains unknown. it needs to be more clarified with increasing number of recordings