The COVID-19 Pandemic, a Risk Management Approach
Jacques Reis1, Serefnur Ozturk2
, Zeliha Tulek3
, Peter Spencer4
1Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg; Association RISE, Oberhausbergen, France
2Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Konya, Turkey
3Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa; Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Istanbul, Turkey
4Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine and Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences, Department of Neurology, Oregon, USA
Keywords: Brain, SARS, SARS-CoV-2, zoonotic virus, hazard assessment, risk estimation
The coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic, one of many global threats to human health, provides an opportunity to analyze how to detect, minimize, and even prevent the spread of future viral zoonotic agents with pandemic potential. Such analysis can utilize existing risk assessment techniques that seek formally to define the hazard, assess the health risk, characterize the health threat, and estimate the probability of occurrence.