Prognosis in Neurological Intensive Care Units

Tuğçe Mengi, Yahya Tahta, Hadiye Şirin

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2022.30906

Issue: 2023, Volume 29 - Issue 2
567 454

Pain and Prescribed Exercise Parameters are Associated with Homebased Exercise Adherence Among Community-dwelling Stroke Survivors: A Multicenter Cross-sectional Study

Adekola Babatunde Ademoyegun, Adebukola Grace Ibitoye

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2023.75282

Issue: 2023, Volume 29 - Issue 1
540 435

The Effect of Homocysteine Levels on Thrombolytic Treatment in Acute Ischemic Stroke

Ezgi Yılmaz, Elıf Sarıönder Gencer, Ethem Murat Arsava, Mehmet Akif Topcuoğlu

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2022.48030

Issue: 2022, Volume 28 - Issue 4
375 458

Etiologic Subtypes, Risk Factors and Early Outcome of Acute Ischemic Stroke in Females

Eda Aslanbaba Bahadır, Mine Hayriye Sorgun, Zerin Özaydın Aksun, Tehran Allahverdiyev, Onur Bulut, Şeyda Erdoğan, Fatma Tuğra Karaarslan, Aygül Nadirova, Büşra Ölmez, Canay Önder, Turgut Şahin, Ömer Eray Yalap, Zehra Yavuz, Abdullah Yasir Yılmaz, Mustafa Erdoğan, Canan Togay Işıkay

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2021.09086

Issue: 2021, Volume 27 - Issue 2
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Acute Cervical Myelitis: A Rare Complication of Varicella Zoster Virus Infection

Pelin Pelit, Khayala Aghamirzayeva, Ersin Tan, Neşe Dericioğlu

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.60862

Issue: 2020, Volume 26 - Issue 2
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Electrocardiographic Changes and Their Prognostic Effect in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke without Cardiac Etiology

Aydın Kaya, Yıldız Arslan, Öner Özdoğan, Figen Tokuçoğlu, Ufuk Şener, Yaşar Zorlu

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.12058

Issue: 2018, Volume 24 - Issue 2
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Efficiency of Intravenous Thrombolytic Therapy in Isolated Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusions: A Computed Tomography Angiography Study

Ezgi Sezer Eryıldız, Atilla Özcan Özdemir

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Issue: 2018, Volume 24 - Issue 1
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Intravenous Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke: The Experience of Kütahya

Mustafa Çetiner, Sibel Canbaz Kabay, Hasan Emre Aydın

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Issue: 2017, Volume 23 - Issue 4
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POEMS Syndrome: Report of Three Cases with Review of the Literature

Somanath Padhi, Tara Roshni Paul, Rajlaxmi Sarangi, Shantveer Uppin, Sundaram Challa, Putcha Deekshanti Narayan

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The Role of Proinflammatory Cytokines in Acute Ischemic Stroke

Reza Jaferzadeh, Bijen Nazlıel, Ceyla İrkeç, Şehri Erberg

Issue: 2007, Volume 13 - Issue 1
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Atrial Septal Aneurysm in lschemic Stroke and TIA Patients

Aysu ŞEN, Ahmet Levent AYDIN, Bahar GÜREŞÇİ, Ulaş YEŞİL, Baki ARPACI

Issue: 2005, Volume 11 - Issue 3
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Reasons of Neurological Deterioration in lschemic Stroke Subtypes

Talip ASİL, Ufuk UTKU, İlkay UZUNCA, Özlem BİRGİLİ

Issue: 2004, Volume 10 - Issue 2
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