Double-doughnut Sign: An Interesting Imaging Finding in Dengue Encephalitis

Kiran Kumar Ramineni, Mukheem Mudabbir M A, Sashidhar Reddy Gutha, Ravi Kanth Jakkani, B Saroj Kumar Prusty

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2020.43067

Issue: 2020, Volume 26 - Issue 3
0 409

The Role of Neurologist in the Assessment and Treatment of Depression

Emre Kumral, Fatma Ece Bayam

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2019.44341

Issue: 2020, Volume 26 - Issue 1
0 239

The Use of Clobazam as Add-on Treatment in Resistant Epilepsy: Our Retrospective Clinical Data

Damla Çetinkaya, Seher Naz Yeni

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2019.22755

Issue: 2020, Volume 26 - Issue 1
0 254

The Significance of Electroencephalography in the Follow-up of Patients with Cerebral Venous Thrombosis?

Halil Önder

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2019.05579

Issue: 2020, Volume 26 - Issue 1
0 219

Susceptibility to Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy Associated with the EFHC1 Gene: First Case Report in Turkey

Pınar Bekdik Şirinocak, Barış Salman, Fatma Yeşim Kesim, Nerses Bebek, Betül Baykan, Sibel Aylin Ugur İşeri

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2019.61214

Issue: 2019, Volume 25 - Issue 4
0 218

Periodic Discharges in Herpes Encephalitis Presenting with Non-convulsive Status Epilepticus: A Detailed Demonstration of the Temporal Correlation Between EEG and Neurologic Status

Halil Önder, Fatih Temoçin

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2019.38455

Issue: 2019, Volume 25 - Issue 4
0 226

Seizures with Autonomic Symptoms and Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)

Rabia Gökçen Gözübatık Çeli, Çiğdem Özkara

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2019.56254

Issue: 2019, Volume 25 - Issue 3
0 260

Screening Inherited Metabolic Disorder in Children with Intellectual Disability and Epilepsy

Pembe Soylu Üstkoyuncu, Ahmet Sami Güven, Hatice Gamze Poyrazoğlu, Songül Gökay, Fatih Kardaş, Mustafa Kendirci, İkbal Gökçek, Yasemin Altuner Torun

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2019.82608

Issue: 2019, Volume 25 - Issue 3
0 236

Quality of Life in Patients with Drug Resistant Epilepsy

Hari Krishan Aggarwal, Deepak Jain, Avina Bishnoi

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2019.31391

Issue: 2019, Volume 25 - Issue 3
0 341

A Study on the Prevalance of Epilepsy in the Provincial Center of Erzurum

İdris Kocatürk, Gökhan Özdemir

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2018.72324

Issue: 2019, Volume 25 - Issue 1
0 261

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Can Be Followed by Electroencephalography: Accompanied By a Case Discussion

Yağmur İnalkaç Gemici

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2018.87847

Issue: 2019, Volume 25 - Issue 1
0 259

Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Epilepsy Admitting to Neurology Outpatient Clinic of Erzincan University Mengucek Gazi Training and Research Hospital

Alevtina Ersoy, Ceyda Tanoğlu, Hasan Yaşar, Tuğçe Özdemir Gültekin

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.14238

Issue: 2018, Volume 24 - Issue 4
0 268

The Effect of Ketogenic Diet Treatment in Drug-resistant Epilepsies of Childhood

Gizem Özata Uyar, Nevin Şanlıer

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.71473

Issue: 2018, Volume 24 - Issue 3
0 224

Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Encephalitis in Children: A Case Report

Hajar Rhouda, Khadija Abboudi, Yamna Kriouile

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.02800

Issue: 2018, Volume 24 - Issue 3
0 200

Evaluation of Seizure After Stroke in Stroke Unit

Yasemin Dinç, Gülnur Tekgöl Uzuner, Büşra Emir

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.78545

Issue: 2018, Volume 24 - Issue 2
0 222

Kluver-Bucy Syndrome Following Herpes Simplex Encephalitis

Kasım Mulhan, Songül Şenadım, Elif Söylemez, Betül Tekin, H. Dilek Ataklı

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.82598

Issue: 2018, Volume 24 - Issue 2
0 241

Coexistence of Atypical Ramsay Hunt Syndrome and Varicella-Zoster Virus Encephalitis

Bilge Koçer, Ayşe Seda Eren, Selim Selçuk Çomoğlu

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.65624

Issue: 2018, Volume 24 - Issue 2
0 193

Adjunctive Everolimus Therapy for Treatment-resistant Focal-onset Seizures Associated with Tuberous Sclerosis: A Phase 3, Randomised, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study

Mustafa Karaoğlan

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.78466

Issue: 2018, Volume 24 - Issue 2
0 233

Early Seizures After Stroke: Neurology Intensive Care Unit Experience

Şadiye Gümüşyayla, Gönül Vural

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.72687

Issue: 2018, Volume 24 - Issue 1
0 218

Variant Case of Sturge-Weber Syndrome

Sinan Eliaçık

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.67674

Issue: 2018, Volume 24 - Issue 1
0 185