The Role of Neurologist in the Assessment and Treatment of Depression

Emre Kumral, Fatma Ece Bayam

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2019.44341

Issue: 2020, Volume 26 - Issue 1
0 239

Greater Occipital Nerve Block in Migraine Prophylaxis

Levent Ertuğrul İnan, Nurten İnan

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2019.94557

Issue: 2019, Volume 25 - Issue 4
0 258

Recurrent Painful Ophthalmoplegic Neuropathy: A Case Report with Five Episodes

Ahmet Batuhan Çıplak, Arife Çimen Atalar, Nurettin Yavuz, Ufuk Emre

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2019.82956

Issue: 2019, Volume 25 - Issue 3
0 227

Correlations Between Endothelial Dysfunction and Cerebral Imaging in Migraine

Hikmet Saçmacı, Meral Mirza, Şükrü Bişiren, Selma Gökahmetoğlu, Recep Saraymen, Abdullah Talaslıoğlu

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.2018.81904

Issue: 2019, Volume 25 - Issue 1
0 231

Chronic Migraine: Burden, Comorbidities and Treatment

Aynur Özge, Derya Uludüz, Osman Özgür Yalın, Seden Demirci, Ömer Karadaş, Uğur Uygunoğlu, Aksel Siva

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.55563

Issue: 2018, Volume 24 - Issue 2
0 220

Ischemic Stroke Subtypes and Migraine with Visual Aura

Çağla Akı

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.98623

Issue: 2017, Volume 23 - Issue 4
0 201

Serum Lipid Profiles, Relationship Between Paraoxonase/Arylesterase Activity and High-density Lipoprotein Levels in Patients with Migraine

Yasemin Eren, Ebru Bilge Dirik, Salim Neşelioğlu, Özcan Erel

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.09216

Issue: 2017, Volume 23 - Issue 3
0 207

Prophylactic Treatment for Migraine in Children: Amitriptyline or Topiramate?

Gonca Bektaş

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.09815

Issue: 2017, Volume 23 - Issue 2
0 182

Relationship Between Ischemic Stroke Subtypes and Migraine with Visual Aura

İpek Güngör Doğan

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.67934

Issue: 2017, Volume 23 - Issue 2
0 176

The effect of abobotulinum toxin A in the prophylactic treatment of refractory migraine

Morteza Mazloum Farsi Baf, Afrouz Alipour, Mehran Homam, Mostafa Khorashadizadeh, Maedeh Beheshti Saadat

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.15986

Issue: 2016, Volume 22 - Issue 4
0 222

The Relationship Between Migraine and Nutrition

Ayçıl Özturan, Nevin Şanlıer, Özlem Coşkun

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.37132

Issue: 2016, Volume 22 - Issue 2
0 282

The Acute Treatment of Migraine Attack in Adults and American Headache Society Evidence Assessment of Migraine Pharmacotherapies

Pınar Yalınay Dikmen

DOI: 10.4274/tnd.93753

Issue: 2016, Volume 22 - Issue 1
0 239

Hopelessness, Depression and Life Satisfaction Among The Patients With Multiple Sclerosis

Güler Duru Aşiret, Leyla Özdemir, Naile Maraşlıoğlu

DOI: 10.4274/Tnd.24471

Issue: 2014, Volume 20 - Issue 1
0 234

Evaluation of Cervical Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials in Patients with Migraine.

Mehmet Tecellioğlu, Yüksel Kaplan, Özden Kamışlı, Suat Kamışlı, Cemal Özcan

DOI: 10.4274/Tnd.85520

Issue: 2013, Volume 19 - Issue 4
0 208

Letter to the editor: Mean Platelet Volume in Patients with Migraine

Cengiz Beyan, Esin Beyan

DOI: 10.4274/Tnd.29291

Issue: 2013, Volume 19 - Issue 4
0 178

Investigation of Mean Platelet Volume and Platelet Count in the Blood of Patients with Migraine

Sefer Varol, Eşref Akıl, Mehmet Uğur Çevik, Tahsin Çelepkolu, Yavuz Yücel, Mehmet Halis Tanrıverdi, Mehmet Ufuk Aluçlu, Ertuğrul Uzar

DOI: 10.4274/Tnd.88156

Issue: 2013, Volume 19 - Issue 3
0 221

Evaluation of Changes in Cerebral Structures in Migraine Patients with Diffusion and Perfusion MRI

Ali Kemal Erdemoglu, Ebru Kocacıklı Ocaklılar, Sevda Yılmaz

DOI: 10.4274/Tnd.01488

Issue: 2013, Volume 19 - Issue 2
0 204

Determining the Frequency of Depression and Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Emine Bilgi, Hasan Hüseyin Özdemir, Serpil Bulut

DOI: 10.4274/Tnd.15045

Issue: 2013, Volume 19 - Issue 1
0 224

Comparison of the Levels of Anxiety, Depression and Hopelessness of Patients with Epilepsy and Healthy Individuals

Emine Rabia Koç, Pelin Piştav Akmeşe

Issue: 2011, Volume 17 - Issue 4
0 228

Serum vitamin B12, folic acid and ferritin levels in patients with migraine

Abdullah Acar, Osman Evliyaoğlu, Ertuğrul Uzar, Yavuz Yücel, Mehmet Uğur Çevik, Işıl Güzel, Leyla Çolpan, Nebahat Taşdemir

Issue: 2011, Volume 17 - Issue 2
0 228