2010, Volume 16 - Issue 4
From the Editor
0 182
Original Article
The Frequency of Factor V Leiden, Prothrombin G20210A and Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T Mutations in Migraine Patients
Ruhsen Öcal, Ufuk Can, Hasibe Verdi, F. Belgin Ataç, Namık Özbek, Yıldız Kaya, Ü. Sibel Benli
Pages: 171-176
0 410
The Predictors of Mortality, Recurrence and Functional Recovery in Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease
Yakup Türkel, Levent Güngör, Musa K. Onar
Pages: 177-186
0 315
Association Between Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Abdominal Obesity
Ertuğrul Uzar, Atilla İlhan, Alevtina Ersoy
Pages: 187-192
0 292
Case Report
Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsy: The Clinical and Electrophysiological Features of Four Families**
Ayşe Oytun Bayrak, Esra Battaloğlu, Handan Akar, İbrahim Barış, Musa Kazım Onar
Pages: 193-198
0 350
Coexistence of Mirror Movements and Polymicrogyria
Tayfun Kaşıkçı, Mehmet Yücel, Gazi Yozgatlı, Yaşar Kütükçü, Zeki Odabaşı
Pages: 199-202
0 513
Valproate-Induced Encephalopathy in Three Cases
Fatma Polat, Aslı Köşkderelioğlu, Sezin Alpaydın, Nesli Keskinöz, Nilgün Araç, Ali Saffet Gönül, Ayşe Kocaman, Hadiye Şirin
Pages: 203-207
0 358
A Case Report of Bilateral Subthalamic Hemorrhages
Handan Akar, Ayşe Oytun Bayrak
Pages: 208-210
0 343
Brainstem Lesions in Herpes Encephalitis
Gülçin Benbir, Baki Göksan, Naci Koçer
Pages: 211-214
0 389
Moebius Syndrome Associated with Pectoral Muscle Hypoplasia: Case Report
Serkan Kılbaş, Özgür Arslan, Batur Bahçe, Osman Erdokur, Mustafa Civelekler, Bülent Ertem
Pages: 215-218
0 449
Images in Clinical Neurology
“Penguin” or “Hummingbird” Sign and Midbrain Atrophy in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Pelin Nar, Mehmet Ersin Tan
Pages: 219-219
0 400
Pages: 220-221
0 256
Pages: 222-223
0 178
Pages: 224-224
0 188