2007, Volume 13 - Issue 4
Pages: 243-246
0 179
Relationship Between Characteristics of Stenotic Plaque in Carotid Artery and Ischemic Stroke Recurrence
Semai Bek, Şeref Demirkaya, Kemal Hamamcıoğlu, Oğuzhan Öz, Zeki Odabaşı, Okay Vural
Pages: 247-251
0 366
Anosognosia For Hemiplegia: Intrahemispheric Anatomy
Ali Özeren, Hülya Mavi, Yakup Sarıca, Nurcihan Kiriş, Fahri Över
Pages: 252-258
0 349
The Socio-Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Adult Epileptic Patients Applying to the Neurology Clinic of Erciyes University and the Relation of These Phenomena to Depression
Vesile Şenol, Ferhan Soyuer, Fehim Arman
Pages: 259-266
0 314
Could Stabbing Type of Headache in Multiple Sclerosis Be A Sign of MS Relapse?
Gökhan Özer, Ufuk Ergün, Serap Üçler, Levent İnan
Pages: 267-272
0 397
Neurosarcoidosis and Partial Motor Seizure
Ayşegül Gündüz, Selim Gökdemir, Baki Göksan
Pages: 273-275
0 327
A Case of Posterior Reversibl Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) During the Postpartum Period
Fatma Bayam, Ayşe Kocaman
Pages: 276-281
0 298
Journal Statistics
Pages: 282-282
0 186
Meetings, Seminars & Congresses
Pages: 283-285
0 179
Türk Nöroloji Dergisi Editoryal Kurulu CSE'nin Temel Politikalarını Tanır
Pages: 286-288
0 228
Editorial Board of the Turkish Journal of Neurology Recognizes Basic Political Statements of the CSE
Pages: 289-291
0 169
Turkish Journal of Neurology Manuscript Criteria and lnformation
Pages: 292-297
0 239