2006, Volume 12 - Issue 4
Pages: 249-252
0 229
Original Article
The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Fall of the Patients Applying to the Department of Neurology in Erciyes University Medical Faculty
Ferhan Soyuer, Demet Ünalan, Füsun Erdoğan
Pages: 269-274
0 346
Cerebrovascular Diseases and Early Seizure
Ayşegül Gündüz, Melda Bozluolçay, Baki Göksan, Gökhan Erkol, Birsen İnce
Pages: 275-278
0 303
Does Pons Plaque Affect Urination and Urodynamic Functions in Multiple Sclerosis?
Ural Hamurcu, Nalan Soyder Kuş, Yaşar Zorlu, Ferruh Zorlu, Oğuz Mertoğlu
Pages: 279-283
0 422
The Correlation of TEE Results with Cardiac Examination, ECG, and TTE in Ischemic Stroke Patients
Pages: 285-288
0 360
Letter to the Editor
Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy
Özlem Araal, Füsun Mayda Domaç, Handan Mısırlı, Pınar Topaloğlu
Pages: 292-294
0 663
Mirtazapin in Resistant Fantom Ekstremity Pains
Selçuk Atakay, Emel Koçer, Abdulkadir Koçer
Pages: 295-297
0 537
Journal Statistics
Pages: 298-298
0 185
Meetings, Seminars & Congresses
Pages: 299-301
0 196
Türk Nöroloji Dergisi Editoryal Kurulu CSE'nin Temel Politikalarını Tanır
Pages: 302-304
0 203
Editorial Board of the Turkish Journal of Neurology Recognizes Basic Political Statements of the CSE
Pages: 305-307
0 187
Türk Nöroloji Dergisi Yayın Kuralları
Pages: 308-310
0 192
Turkish Journal of Neurology Manuscript Criteria and Information
Pages: 311-313
0 183