Index of Keywords
Keyword | Pages |
gliosis | 305 |
leukoaraiosis | 305 |
proton mr spectroscopy | 305 |
gliozis | 305 |
lökaryozis | 305 |
proton mr-spektroskopi | 305 |
multiple sclerosis | 310, 325, 339 |
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging | 310 |
tissue damage | 310 |
multipl skleroz | 310 |
diffüzyon manyetik rezonans inceleme | 310 |
doku hasarı | 310 |
median nerve | 319 |
entrapment neuropathy | 319 |
diagnosis | 319 |
ultrasonography | 319 |
median sinir | 319 |
tuzak nöropatisi | 319 |
tanı | 319 |
ultrasonografi | 319 |
cholesterol | 325 |
lipoproteins | 325 |
magnetic resonance imaging | 325, 345 |
multipl sklerozis | 325 |
kolesterol | 325 |
lipoproteinler | 325 |
manyetik rezonans görüntüleme | 325, 345 |
cerebellum | 333 |
head trauma | 333 |
executive functions | 333 |
cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome | 333 |
serebellum | 333 |
kafa travması | 333 |
yürütücü işlevler | 333 |
serebellar bilişsel duygulanımsal bozukluk | 333 |
psychosis | 339 |
symptoms of relapses | 339 |
multipl sklerosis | 339 |
psikoz | 339 |
atak semptomları | 339 |
abducens nerve palsy | 345 |
intracranial hypotension syndrom | 345 |
postural headache | 345 |
abdusens sinir felci | 345 |
intrakranyal hipotansiyon sendromu | 345 |
postural başağrısı | 345 |
incontinensia pigmenti | 351 |
epilepsy | 351 |
cerebral hemiatrophy | 351 |
inkontinensia pigmenti | 351 |
epilepsi | 351 |
serebral hemiatrofi | 351 |