Beta lnterferon-lA Treatment in Multipl Sclerosis and Cognitive Functions
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı, İzmir
Keywords: Multiple sclerosis, cognitive tests, beta interferon -1A
In this study, we investigated the cognitive tests and their relation to lesion scores with serial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) before and 6 months after the beta-IA interferon treatment. These patients were 10 remitting relapsing type of MS who were registered to Dokuz Eylül University Hospital Multiple Sclerosis Clinic. Their mean age was 33.1+7.75 (24-46) years with 3.1 years of mean duration of disease and EDSS range of 0-6.5. Nine of all cases were female, and their mean education was 11.6+4.3 (5-17) years, and eight of them were right hand dominant, one was ambidexter and one left-handed. The cognitive tests included digit span, verbal learning, memory and recognition, Trail A-B, categorical verbal fluencyand FAS word generation, Stroop, design fluency, alternating sequences, and callosal tests of verbal dichotic listening and crossed sensory localization. Among all of these tests, Stroop and verbal dichotic listening tests improved after interferon beta-1A treatment and were found to be correlated with MRI lesion scores. Also MRI lesion scoresshowed improvement after the treatment. These findings may indicate that interferon beta-1A may help to improve cognitive profile in MS, especially in callosal functions.