Genetic and Mental Evaluation With Dystrophinopathy Patients
Beril DÖNMEZ1, İhsan Ş. ŞENGÜN1, Meral OĞUZ1, Ayfer ÜLGENALP2, Derya ERÇAL2, Ahmet GENÇ1
1DEÜTF Nöroloji ABD
2DEÜTF Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları ABD
Keywords: Becker, deletion, Duchenne, mentol, muscular dystrophy.
In this study we have evaluated 27 patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and 12 patients with Becker Muscular Dystrophy (BMD) from the aspect of de/etions indystrophin gene and mentol status. The mean age for DMD patients was 9.65±3.05 (6-18) and 19.71±9.74 (10-48) for BMD patients. For deletion analysis we assessed totally 19 exons lokalized to the center and 5' end of the dystrophin gene. Total deletion ratio was 78%. Each of the patients was evaluated from mentol aspects and correlated with genetic information. The Wechsler lntelligence Scale was used for mentol assesment45.83% of DMD patients and, 12.5% of BMD patients and 3 7.5% of total patient group were evaluated as mentally retarded . Altought we could not determine a specifıc gene region responsible for mentally retardation, in 9 of 10 retarded patients the deletions were localized in center of the gene.