The Diagnostics Value of Transcranial Doppler In Varius Dementia Sendromes and Normal Ageing
Mustafa BAKAR
Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji ABD, Bursa
Keywords: Alzheimer's Disease, Multiinfarct dementia, Transcranial doppler ultrasonography
The value of transcranial doppler ultrasonography in the differential diagnosis of Alzheimer disease (AD) vs multiinfarct dementia (MID)Objective: Alzheimer and multiinfarct dementia are the most common types of dementia and their differential diagnosis can be diffıcult. The aim of this study is to investigate the value of TCD in the differential diagnosis of normal aged people and the patients with AD and MID.Patients and methods: We examined 80 demented individuals(55 AD, 25 MID) aged 54-88 by means of transcranial doppler ultrasonography from the basal cerebral artery. 20 normal aged subjects served as a control group. Biochemical, serologic andneuropsychological tests were done in all patients. Computerized Tomography or Magnetic Resonance lmaging were performed.Results: There was no statistical difference between MID and AD patients according to mean cerebral blood flow velocity. Results show that there is statistical difference between normal individuals, AD, and MID patients. When pulsatility index is takeninto account, statistical difference is established between all groups.Conclusions: Although studies give different results, our study shows that both mean cerebral blood flow velocity and pulsatility indices are different in dementia and nan dementia groups. Findings shows that TCD is an easy and a reliable tool far differential diagnosis.