Hacettepe Üniversitesi Deneysel Psikoloji UA TÜBİTAK Beyin Dinamiği Multidisipliner Çalışma Grubu. [email protected]

Keywords: positive sciences; scientific criteria; standardization; neuropsychological tests; BILNOT Battery Tests


Observability and measurability are the main criteria far positive sciences; conductability, repeatability and verifiability depend on them. Fulfilling these criterid ensures "objectivity" of the science. This is also mandatory to study mental functions in the scope of "positive sciences" and to practice the topics including mind. Psychometric tools are used (or observation and measurement of mental functions; they are named as "neuropsychological tests" in the setting of relation between mind and brain. To make use of a psychometric tool, it must be "standardized" for a specific culture if it is developed primarily for a different culture. Standardization is a psychometric process involving five steps: translation and adaptation of test material, calculation of reliability coefficient, validation by trials and estimation of norm values. This article reviews the tests standardized for Turkish culture and included in BILNOT Battery, ie. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test-Turkish Form, Stroop Test-TBAG Form, Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised Turkish Form, Serial Digit Learning Test-Turkish Form, Line Orientation Test-Turkish Form, Tapping Test-Turkish Form, Raven Standard Progressive Matrices-Turkish Form. In this article, a summary for psychometric characteristics related to standardization steps for each test and obtained statistical data are presented.