Gülçin BENBİR1, Derya KAYNAK1, Hakan KAYNAK1, Christian GUİLLEMİNAULT2

1İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı, İSTANBUL
2Stanford University Sleep Disorders Clinic and Research Center, CA, USA

Keywords: restless legs syndrome, periodic limb movements during syndrome


Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is characterized by an abnormal sensation in the extremities, especially in the legs, which is a type of disesthesia difficult to define. This abnormal sensation/disesthesia compels an urge to move in order to relieve the sensation and causes motor restlessness. Periodic Limb Movements during Sleep (PLMS) is a disease characterized by prominent periodically repeating stereotypic movements of the feet, legs, and/or arms during the sleep. Because RLS and PLMS often accompany each other, and, with the sleep onset and deepening of the sleep, movements related to RLS turn into a more regular and extensive form characteristics of PLMS, one may think that these are two clinical variation ofa common central nervous system (CNS) disorder. Prevalance of both disorders increases with the age. They may be idiopathic, but may also be involved in other medical, neurological, or primary sleep disorders. Although,pathophysiology of these disorders are not fully understood; it has been suggested that they are apart ofa supraspinal rhythm which is produced at the level of brainstem and cause changes in the spinal excitability, and, dopamin (DA) and iron deficiency in CNS plays a role as well. İn the treatment,prefeably dopamin agonists, L-dopa, antiepileptics, benzodiazepins, and opioids are being used.