Müslüm YILMAZ1, Vesile ÖZTÜRK1, Raif ÇAKMUR1, Hatice KARASOY2

1Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı, İZMİR
2Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı, İZMİR

Keywords: mitochondrial myopathy, ophtalmoparesis, parkinsonism


Background: Mitochondrial (mt) myopathies are a unusual showed disease group and it was defined association by valiable mt DNA mutation. The muscle biopsy and genetic analysis require for definite diagnosis of disease. The clinical findings in the central nervosus system of this disease group is heterogen and, involve of extrapyramidal system is rather rare.Objective: We present 66 and 75 years old two female patient received to histologically diagnosis of mt myopathy and parkinsonism to accompained clinical findings.Findings: The clinical table was to be started with external ophtalmoplegia at one of the case and, with parkinsonism at other case. The rutin laboratory tests were normal limits in case and, no pathology at electroneuromyography and cranial magnetic resonance imaging. The histochemical findings compatible with mt myopathy were come by in the muscle biopsy of cases.Conclusion: This cases found it valuable to present here, because association to table of ophtalmoparesis and parkinsonism in two cases, clinically to support same characteristic of the cases, histologically to received of diagnosis mt myopathy, and to be very few the cases of mt myopathy with parkinsonism in the literature.