Necmettin YILDIZ1, Hilmi UYSAL2, Meltem DALYAN ARAS1, Betül ORBAY3, Füsun KÖSEOĞLU1

1Ankara Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, IV FTR Kliniği, ANKARA
2Ankara Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Nöroloji, Elektrofizyoloji Laboratuvar, ANKARA
3Kahramanmaraş Devlet Hastanesi Nöroloji Kliniği, KAHRAMANMARAŞ

Keywords: pontine hemorrhage, ataxic hemiparesis, prognosis


Background: Ataxic hemiparesis which is due to unilateral pontine lesion is characterized by contralateral pyramidal system involvement and cerebellar ataxia. This clinical picture can be caused by both ischemic lesion and hemorrhage. The size of the hematom is important; small hematoms manifests as lacunary infarcts but the giant hematoms might result with cama, severe neurological deficits and death. Objective: We present a case who had developed ataxic hemiparesis with a good prognosis after a massive pontine hemorrhage. Findings: In this patient, a massive pontine hemorrhage occurred and this was shown by MRI. There was no unconsciousness in the acute period and the functional improvement of our patient following a rehabilitation phase was impressive. Conclusion: This case suggests that persons suffering from pontine hemorrhage who have preserved consciousness despite the massive size of hematom might have a favorable prognosis. İn these cases rehabilitation care will most likely be rewarded.