Türk Nöroloji Dergisi Editörü


National Library of Medicine (NLM) Literature Selection Technical Review Committee has completed journal review procedure concerning Türk Nöroloji Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Neurology's first application for lndex Medicus/Medline,on October 28, 2004. First, a brief notification about the result of review procedure came aut declaring that the decision was negative with the overall quality and importance scores of 3.0 out of 5.0. After a couple of weeks, review summary has arrived with the detailed scores on each item. According to the summary, there were 4 issues reviewed, starting from the January/February 2004 to the July/August issue. Quality Scores were graded as excellent for Review Articles, Clinical Research and Production Quality and as were good for Basic Research, Case Reports, Editorials, Authors/lnstitutions, Editorial Board Quality and Editorial lndependence with the scores of 4 (excellent) and 3 (good) respectively. The Journal's importance were graded as very high for Clinicians in the Field and high Researchers, Clinicians not in the Field, Educators, Students and Significant Perspectives on Local Conditions or lndigenous Diseases. Scores were as same as above. Overall Rating for indexing estimated as 3, between the lowest 0 and highest 5. Committee has made some comments at the end of the report: "The reported topics are relevant to the field and references cited are Current. There are few controlled trials presented in the studies. There is no evidence ofa statement of peer review in the issues examined. (However, articles are sent to two arbitrators)"