Çağatay Öncel1, L.sinan Bir1, Göksemin Acar1, Attila Oğuzhanoğlu1, Türker Şahiner1, Filiz Tokgöz1, Yılmaz Kıroğlu2

1Department Of Neurology, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey
2Department Of Radiology, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey

Keywords: cerebral venous thrombosis, clinical features, etiology


OBJECTIVE: Cerebral venous thrombosis is thrombosis of

brain veins and sinuses which are due to prothrombotic process. They

present with various neurological symptoms. The annual incidence is 3-


METHODS: Symptoms, demographic data, etiologic

factors, clinical and radiological features of 14 consecutive patients

between July 1st 2006 and July 1st 2008 with cerebral venous

thrombosis are evaluated retrospectively.

RESULTS: The study group comprised 4 men and 10 women. Their mean

age was 44.2±19 years. Headache is the most frequent symptom,

present in %92.8 of the patients. Papilloedema (50%), impairment of

level of consciousness (14.3%), vertigo (14.3%), visual disturbances

(14.3%) were the other symptoms. Eight patients were admitted just

because of headache. Seven patients had one and seven patients had

more than one sinus involvement.

CONCLUSION: The incidence is rare but the outcome of this disorder is

generally favourable if diagnosed. Cerebral venous thrombosis must be

remembered in the differantial diagnosis of headaches of unknown
