Gaye Eryaşar1, Yaprak Seçil1, Yeşim Beckmann1, Ayşen İnceoğlu Kendir1, A. Gülden Diniz2, Mustafa Başoğlu1

1Izmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital 1.Nerology Department
2Izmir Dr.Behçet Uz Children

Keywords: s Dysferlin, dysferlinopathy, Miyoshi miyopathy, Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B


Dysferlinopathy includes a rare spectrum of muscle disease characterized by two main phenotypes: Miyoshi myopathy(MM) and Limb Girdle muscular dystrophy(LGMD 2B) and results from a mutation of the gene that codes dysferline protein (DYSF gene, 2p13). In this report, we present 2 cases with dysferlinopathy whose diagnosis were confirmed by clinical and muscle biopsy findings.