Selda Korkmaz1, Kemal Hamamcıoğlu1, Mustafa Öztürk2, Murat Aksu3

1Acıbadem Hospital, Neurology, Kayseri, Turkey
2Department Of Radiology, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
3Department Of Neurology, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey

Keywords: Hornersyndrome, multinodulargoiter, sympathicsystem


Horner syndrome is characterized by miosis, ptosis, facial anhydrosis and enophtalmus and is caused by a lesion along the oculosymphathetic pathway from the hypothalamus to the eye. The long course of the oculosympathetic pathway predisposes it to a wide variety of pathologic processes, ranging from harmless vascular headaches to life-threatening conditions such as carotid artery dissection or malignancy. Thyroid neoplasms, benign or malign, are among unusual causes of Horner syndrome and represent 1.3 - 7.8% of cases. Especially, early diagnosis of benign thyroid neoplasms such as multinodular goiter has particular importance because of its reversiblity with appropriate treatment. We report a case of Horner syndrome which has been developed as a complication of intrathoracic multinodular goiter.