Hasan Hüseyin Özdemir1, Caner F. Demir2, M. Said Berilgen2, Bekir Akgün3, Tuncay Kuloğlu4, Oktay Kapan2, Selçuk İlhan5, Metin Balduz2

1Bismil State Hospital Neurology
2Firat University Neurology
3Firat University Neurosurgery
4Firat University Histology
5Firat University Pharmacology

Keywords: Memantine, apoptosis, ischemicstroke, antioxidants, oxidants


OBJECTIVE: The severity of apoptosis developing after hypoxia-ischemia and reperfusion is an indicator of cerebral injury. In cerebral ischemia, there are many factors initiating the events progressing to cell death. The most common leading cause is excessive increase in intracellular calcium concentration. Ion channels in NMDA receptors cause cell death by increasing Ca+2 entries into the cell. Memantine is non-competitive excitatory amino acid blocker of NMDA receptor. Studies suggesting administration of memantine before and after ischemia decreasing the neural injury have been published. In this study we aimed to examine the memantine could have decreasing effect on neuronal injury resulting with apoptosis especially in penumbra region after ischemia and its effects on antioxidants and oxidants in brain tissues.

METHODS: Experimental study was performed in three groups each of them including 7 rats. No procedure was performed in control group and it was used for evaluation of the normal brain tissue. Transient focal cerebral ischemia was performed by clipping the right common carotid arteries of the rats in ischemia and ischemia-drug groups. Ten mg/kg intraperitoneal memantine was administered in ischemia-drug group 30 minutes after ischemia and for 5 days. All of the rats were sacrificed after the experiment. Antioxidant and oxidant levels of the cerebral tissues were measured. Apoptotic cells were determined by immunohistochemically with TUNEL method.

RESULTS: When the group administered memantine was compared with ischemia group, it was observed that memantine decreased apoptotic cells in the brain tissue and provided improvement in oxidant levels (p<0.05).

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, memantine may be effective in prevention of apopitozis and neuronal injury in cerebral ischemic tissue via decreasing cerebral oxidant formations.