Right Hippocampal Abnormality on Diffusion-weighted MRI in Transient Global Amnesia: Case Report
Turgay Dölek, Muammer Korkmaz
, Semai Bek
, Gülnihal Kutlu
Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Department of Neurology, Mugla, Turkey
Keywords: Transient global amnesia, diffusion-weighted MRI, hippocampus, infarct
Transient global amnesia (TGA) is a clinical syndrome characterized by sudden-onset anterograde amnesia, accompanied by repetitive questioning, sometimes with a retrograde component, lasting up to 24 hours, and without compromise of other neurologic functions. Typically, it occurs in individuals aged 50-80 years, with a decreased incidence in younger and older populations. There may be many causes of TGA. Hippocampal ischemia also contributes to the cause of TGA. In this case report, a 67-year-old woman who presented with TGA clinical features accompanied by right hippocampal diffusion-weighted imaging hyperintensity is presented.
Informed consent was given.
Externally and internally peer-reviewed.
Concept: T.D., M.K., S.B., G.K., Design: T.D., M.K., S.B., G.K., Data Collection or Processing: T.D., M.K., S.B., G.K., Analysis or Interpretation: T.D., M.K., S.B., G.K., Literature Search: T.D., M.K., S.B., G.K., Writing: T.D., M.K., S.B., G.K.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
The authors declared that this study received no financial support.