Abdullah ÖZKARDEŞ1, Turgay GÜL2, Fatih ÖZDAĞ2, Hikmet DOLU2, Okay VURAL2, Muzaffer YARDIM2

1Kütahya Hava Hastanesi Nöroloji Uzmanı
2GATA Nöroloji ABD

Keywords: Friedreich 's Ataxia, Evoked Potentials, EMG .


EMG and Somatosensory, Visual and Auditory Brainstem Evoked Responses wereinvestigated in 14 male patients with Friedreich 's Ataxia. Needle EMG, motor and sensoryconduction was investigated and the most pathology was found in sensory nerve conduction. The most prominent pathology was reduction in amplitude of sensorypotentials. In addition to peripheral involvement, investigation of somatosensory pathwayrevealed markedly delayed central conduction time. Auditory Brainstem Evoked Responsesshowed signs of suggested slowed conduction in peripheral and central pathways. VisualEvoked Responses were found normal. Cerebral CT and MRI were investigated in 4 patients and Jound mild cerebellar atrophy in only one patient. In the cases of Friedreich's Ataxia, abnormalities of peripheral and central nerves system was found frequently by neurophysiological investigations