HLA Tissue Antigens in Multiple Sclerosis
Yaşar ZORLU1, Fadime GÜVEN1, Serdar KESKEN1, Füsun KARAASLAN2, Halis GÜGÜL1
1SSK Tepecik Eğitim Hastanesi Nöroloii Kliniği, İzmir
2SSK Tepecik Eğitim Hastanesi Biokimya Bölümü, Doku Tiplendirme laboratuarı,İzmir
Keywords: Multiple Sclerosis, HLA Class I and Class II antigens
The cause of muLtiple sclerosis (MS) remains uncertain but it is currently widely believedthat a T cell-mediated autoimmune response directed at myelin antigens is responsible. For this reason studies are concantrated on the human leukocyte antigens (HLA) which are coded with major histocompatibility complex (MCH). In this study HLA types of 18 female, 22 male, total 40 patients and 891 healthy controls were determined by thelymphocytotoxicity method. In class I antigens; HLA-A2, HLA B38, B51, B44 and in HLAclass II antigens; HLA DR2 and DR4, HLA DQ1, DQ8, DQ7 were significantly increased inMS patients. Results were discussed.