Vesile ÖZTÜRK, Berril DÖNMEZ, Kürşad KUTLUK, Görsev Gülmen YENER

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı

Keywords: Meningitis, Mollaret, recurrent


Mollaret's meningitis is a benign recurrent aseptic meningitis syndrome which is characterized by recurrent fever and meningeal irritation. in this paper, we represented a 40 years old female patient who is diagnosed as Mollaret's meningitis. The patient who was brought ta emergency department high fever that was lasting for one-day nonsense speaking and behavior, lethargy. Her body temperature was 38.8° C. On her neurological examination, it was noted that she was lethargic and had meningeal irritation findings.From the history it was learned that the similar findings had repeated 5 times in the last 6 years and had recovered without therapy far 4-5 days. The patient's routine blood examination and computed brain tomography were normal. On the electroencephalography there were deep bitemporal focus on the irritative backgroundactivity. On the lumbar puncture, pressure was slightly elevated. Protein elevation andlymphositosis were seen . Five days later her neurological findings began to improve and 10 days later her neurological findings turned to normal. in the patient who was investigated for the causes of recurrent aseptic meningoencephalitis no etiological factors were found. The patient who has the typical history and clinical findings of Mollaret's meningitis, which is a rare syndrome, was discussed with the help of the literature.