Creatin Kinaze Enzyme and Prolactin Serum Level Values in Postictal Period in the Diagnosis of Epileptic Attacks of Various Types
İbrahim ÖZTURA1, Muhteşem GEDİZLİOĞLU2
1İzmir Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Nöroloji Kliniği
2SSK İzmir Buca Eğitim Hastanesi Nöroloji Kliniği
Keywords: Epilepsy, Creatin kinase, Prolactin
In this study, the creatin kinase and prolactin levels of 29 subjects indicatingsymptoms of different kinds of epileptic attakcs were examined; 18 of whom had jeneralized tonic-clonic, 9 simple partial and 2 with compleks partial attacks. Hormonal level in each case studied was assessed on throufh inspection of blood vein taken from the subject at 5th and 30th minutes intervals. Postictal creatin kinase enzyme serum levels no statistical difference, following the jeneralized tonic-clonic, simple and complex partial attacs revealed. Prolactin hormonal serum levels after jeneralized tonic-clonic attack were found to be statistically higter in comparison with the control group, whereas no statistical difference was noticed fallowing simple partial attacks.