A Case of Mu/tiple Sclerosis Presenting As Unilateral Papillitis
Nurgül YILMAZ1, Ebru ÖZAY2, Funda AÇIKGÖZ2, Nursel AYDIN2
1Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları AD
2Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji AD
Keywords: Multiple sclerosis, optic neuritis, papillitis
20% of patients with multiple sclerosis have optic neuritis as the initial symptom. Optic disc may appear normal in 65% of patients (retrobulbar optic neuritis), or optic disc is swollen in %35 of patients (papillitis). So, aproximately 4-7% of patients diagnosed as multiple sclerosis, have papillitis as the initial symptom. We here describe a multiple sclerosis case with papillitis, applying to the clinic with sudden visual loss and gaining full vision in 2 months.