Ayşenur ÖZGE1, Candan ÖZTÜRK2, Ali KARAKELLE3, Handan MISIRLI4

1Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji, Halk Sağlığı AD
2Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji, Mikrobiyoloji AD
3Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji AD
4Haydarpaşa Numune Hastanesi 1. Nöroloji Kliniği

Keywords: Migraine, tension-type headache, seropositivity of chlamidia pneumonia, atherosclerosis, ischemic vascular disorders.


The factors causing migraine and atherosclerotic disorders and possible relationship between migraine and atherosclerosis were not completely understood. The subclinical seropositivity of chlamidia pneumonia (CP) has a role in pathogenesis of ischemic vascular disorders. There is no study evaluating the coincidence between seropositivity of CP and primary headaches (migraine and tension-type headache). We analysed CP antibodies (lgG and lgA subtypes) in 222 patients with primary headache (85 migraine and 137 tension type) and 53 healthy controls. The relationship between clinical characteristics, atherosclerotic risc factors and CP seropositivity were evaluated. lgG seropositivity was observed in 23 patients (10.4%) with primary type headache (p:0.01, OR: 12.6). The antibody titer of CP was not significantly increased in healthy controls. lgA seropositivity was not observed in both patients and controls. There was no relationship between CP antibody levels, clinical characteristics and the existence of atherosclerotic risc factors. We concluded that the subclinical seropositivity of CP antibodies had no effect over the clinical severity and characteristics of primary headaches. The issue about the relationship between late vascular complications of migraine and CP seropositivity is stili unresolved.