GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Nöroloji Servisi, İSTANBUL

Keywords: statins, memory loss


In contrast to the well known cardiovascular benefits, the effects of statins on cognition and neuronal function have not been well established. There are conflicting impressions in the literature, whether they might have some benefits on cognition or adverse effects of memory loss or amnesia.Experimental studies have shown that cholesterol-fed wild-type rabbits develop pathology similar to that of Alzheimer's Disease,namely amyloid plaques.On the contrary,reduced cholesterol can inhibit b-amyloid synthesis. On the other hand,published case reports have linked statin intake might cause worsening memory problems and/or acute memory loss.Since cholesterol synthesis is essential for the metabolism of neurons, the hypothesis represented in the case reports deservesfurther attention for such a link between statins and the memory loss. In the study of Wagstaff et al, they searched the MedWatch drug surveillance system of the FDA from 1997 and 2002 published literature using MEDLINE and prescribing information of anti-statins.ln conclusion,it is reported that statins may occasionally be associated with the cognitive worsening, though mechanism is uncertain.