Havva Karadeniz1, Nurgül Merdan Yılmaz2

1Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Department of Public Health Nursing, Trabzon, Turkey
2Karadeniz Technical University Health Sciences Institute, Department of Internal Medicine Nursing, Trabzon, Turkey

Keywords: Stroke, acute stroke, nurse, evidence-based nursing


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the evidence-based acute stroke knowledge level in nurses.

Materials and Methods: This descriptive study consisted of 245 nurses who work in Farabi Hospital of Karadeniz Technical University Health Application and Research Center in Trabzon city center. Data are collected using “Introductory Information Form” and “Acute Stroke Knowledge Level Measurement and Awareness Form” created within the scope of “T.R. Ministry of Health Stroke Clinical Protocol”. The suitability of data for normal distribution was evaluated with the Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. One-Way analysis of variance and independent samples t-test to were used to compare the data with normal distribution, whereas the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U test to compare data without normal distribution and chi-square test for categorical data. The significance level was taken as p values of <0.05.

Results: The average age of the nurses was 32.19±7.76 (minimum: 20, maximum: 60) years, wherein 64.9% had a bachelor’s degree and 93.1% were clinical/ service nurses. The common correct answers were given to questions about nursing care in acute stroke, whereas wrong answers to questions about stroke scale, tPA dose, and stroke time management. A positive, weak, and statistically significant relationship was found between the knowledge score of the nurses and their ages (r=0.158; p=0.013). Nurses who followed professional publications and attended congresses, courses, and symposium programs answered the questions more accurately.

Conclusion: Improving the knowledge level of nurses on acute stroke is necessary to organize postgraduate and in-service training programs to ensure the participation of nurses in scientific meetings and develop stroke care clinical practice guidelines for quality patient care.

Ethics Committee Approval

Ethical permission from Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine Clinical Research Ethics Committee (protocol number: 219/228, number: 24237859-569).

Peer Review

Externally and internally peer-reviewed.

Author Contributions

Concept: H.K., N.M.Y., Design: H.K., N.M.Y., Data Collection or Processing: H.K., N.M.Y., Analysis or Interpretation: H.K., N.M.Y., Literature Search: N.M.Y., Writing: H.K., N.M.Y.

Conflict of Interest

No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.

Financial Disclosure

The authors declared that this study received no financial support.