Barış Metin, Melih Tütüncü, Derya Kaynak, Hakan Kaynak

Sleep Disorders Unit, Department Of Neurology, İstanbul University, İstanbul, Turkey

Keywords: Wilson’s disase, sleep, polysomnography


Scientific BACKGROUND: Wilson’s disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive

degenerative disorder of copper metabolism. As a degenerative disease affecting

many parts of CNS, WD has the potential to disrupt sleep regulatory mechanisms

and to cause sleep disturbances like other neurodegenerative diseases. Sleep in

WD has not been extensively studied before.

OBJECTIVES: A late onset WD patient who applied to our out-patient clinic for

sleep related problems has been extensively evaluated with clinical and

laboratory measures.

MATERIALS-METHODS: We performed three polysomnographic evaluations, one followed by continuous daytime recording.

RESULTS: We diagnosed various abnormalities including breathing, circadian

rhythm and movement disorders related to sleep.

CONCLUSIONS: Sleep disorders in WD might be a major contributor to morbidity

and mortality.