Yasemin Sohtorik İlkmen1, Ezgi Soncu Büyükişcan2

1Bogazici University, Department of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey
2Yeditepe University, Department of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey

Keywords: Executive functions, verbal fluency, phonemic fluency, semantic fluency, normative data


Objective: This study aimed to provide updated normative data for one of the widely used neuropsychological assessment tools, namely verbal fluency tests, and examine their reliability and validity.

Materials and Methods: To establish normative data stratified by gender, age and education, a total of 1,431 healthy participants were administered phonemic and semantic verbal fluency tests. Concurrent validity, internal consistency and test-retest reliability analyses were conducted. The effect of gender, age and education was tested through stepwise linear regression analysis.

Results: The results revealed good internal consistency and acceptable level of test-retest reliability for verbal fluency tests. While gender did not have any effect on test performance, the combined contribution of age and education on phonemic and semantic fluency performance were 37% and 25%, respectively. Verbal fluency performance decreased as a function of age, whereas it increased as a function of education.

Conclusion: The normative data for phonemic and semantic fluency performance between the ages 18 and 89 stratified by four education levels was presented.

Ethics Committee Approval

Yeditepe University Ethics Committee approval was obtained before starting the study (number: 75078252-050.01-0494).

Peer Review

Externally peer-reviewed.

Author Contributions

Concept: Y.S.İ., Design: Y.S.İ., Data Collection or Processing: Y.S.İ., Analysis or Interpretation: E.S.B., Literature Search: Y.S.İ., E.S.B., Writing: Y.S.İ., E.S.B.

Conflict of Interest

No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.

Financial Disclosure

The authors declared that this study received no financial support.