Index of Keywords
Keyword | Pages |
rey complex figure test and recognition trial | 387 |
neuropsychological tests | 387 |
memory | 387 |
rey karmaşık figür testi ve tanıma uygulaması (rkft-t) | 387 |
nöropsikolojik testler | 387 |
bellek | 387 |
bell’s palsy | 395 |
electromyography | 395 |
blink reflex | 395 |
facial nerve | 395 |
bell paralizisi | 395 |
elektromiyografi | 395 |
fasiyal sinir | 395 |
göz kırpma refleksi | 395 |
diabetes mellitus | 400 |
dementia | 400 |
cognitive dysfunction | 400 |
mini-mental state examination | 400 |
event related evoked potentials | 400 |
demans | 400 |
kognitif disfonksiyon | 400 |
minimental durum muayenesi | 400 |
olayla ilişkili potansiyeller | 400 |
uric acid | 409 |
peroxynitrite | 409 |
multiple sclerosis | 409 |
ürik asit | 409 |
peroksinitrit | 409 |
multipl skleroz | 409 |
palmaris brevis spasm | 415 |
ulnar nevre | 415 |
botulinum toxin | 415 |
ephaptic transmission | 415 |
palmaris brevis spazmı | 415 |
ulnar sinir | 415 |
botulinum toksini | 415 |
efaptik ileti | 415 |
paraganglioma | 419 |
glomus jugulare | 419 |
cranial nerve | 419 |
gamma knife surgery | 419 |
kranial sinir | 419 |
gamma knife | 419 |
chorea-acanthocytosis | 423 |
neuroacanthocytosis | 423 |
kore-akantositoz | 423 |
nöroakantositoz | 423 |
eight-and-a-half syndrome | 427 |
one-and-a-half syndrome | 427 |
pontine infarct | 427 |
sekiz buçuk sendromu | 427 |
bir buçuk sendromu | 427 |
pons infarktı | 427 |