Sibel Güler1, Salim Dönmez2, Ufuk Utku1, Selçuk Yavuz3

1Trakya University, Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Neurology,
2Trakya University, Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Rheumatology
3Trakya University, Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Physical Treatment And Rehabilitation,

Keywords: Systemic lupus erythematosus, cerebral calcification, optic neuropathy


53 years old female patient were evaluated for decrease in right eye vision with sudden onset. Neurological examination revealed no characteristics except 20/200 visual acuity in right eye, significant hyperemia and edema findings in optical disc.

On cranial CT scans, symmetrical calcifications were evident in bilateral cerebellar peduncles, cerebral hemispheres, both putamens and thalamus. Laboratory examinations showed positive ANA as well as positive anti-DNA and lymphopenia and the case was diagnosed as lupus erythematosus.

SLE case with bilaterally diffuse cerebral calcification showed additionally unilateral optic neuropathy clinical presentation. Being the first case in the literature with these two rare associations because of lupus makes it much more interesting to report.