Intravenous Lidocain in SUNCT Treatment
Özcan Kocatürk1, Mehtap Kocatürk1
, Levent Ertuğrul İnan2
1Harran University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Sanliurfa, Turkey
2Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Clinic of Neurology and Algology, Ankara, Turkey
Keywords: Headache, SUNCT, lidocain
SUNCT/SUNA are rare, severe, neuralgiform headaches with high frequency. They are often considered as a primary headache type. It is called episodic or chronic according to the peridiocity. At the time of attack, it can affect the daily life of the patient such that it can keep the patient from oral feeding. Therefore, it is specifically important to relieve the pain of the patient during the headache episode. Here, we present a patient treated with IV lidocaine during an acute episode that gained sustained remission.