lnterleukin-2 Levels inPatients with Migraine Type Headache
Pınar ÇE1, Şevket YALIN1, Şükran KÖSE2, Muhteşem GEDİZLİOĞLU1
1İzmir SSK Eğitim Hastanesi, Nöroloji Kliniği
2Tepecik SSK Eğitim Hastanesi, Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Mikrobiyoloji Kliniği, İmmünoloji ünitesi
Keywords: Migraine, cytokines, immunology, interleukin-2
The idea of immun system has an effect on migraine pathogenesis is suggested in recentstudies. The most accepted theory is that activated T-cells with external causes, augments the production of inffamatory cytokines and thus immunologic reaction starts. With respect of this theory, we investigated plasma interleukin-2 (IL-2) levels of 40 patients who have migraine without aura, during migraine attack and attack free period.During migraine attack mean IL-2 level was 612,46 ± 554,04 pg/ml. During attack-free period the mean level of plasma IL-2 was 557,02± 477,87. The mean plasma IL-2 level ofthe control group was 358,07 ± 268,04. We compared the patient group and control group statistically with student T test . The difference was statistically meaningfullyhigh both during migraine attack and during attack-free period, compared with controlgroup (p=0,014, 0,032). There wasn't meaningful difference of IL-2 levels taken during attack compared with the levels taken during attack free period (p=0,63). In conclusion, our study supports the idea of immun mechanisms may play a role in migraine pathogenesis.