Pınar ÇE1, Şevket YALIN1, Şükran KÖSE2, Muhteşem GEDİZLİOĞLU1

1İzmir SSK Eğitim Hastanesi, Nöroloji Kliniği
2Tepecik SSK Eğitim Hastanesi, Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Mikrobiyoloji Kliniği, İmmünoloji ünitesi

Keywords: Migraine, cytokines, immunology, interleukin-2


The idea of immun system has an effect on migraine pathogenesis is suggested in recentstudies. The most accepted theory is that activated T-cells with external causes, augments the production of inffamatory cytokines and thus immunologic reaction starts. With respect of this theory, we investigated plasma interleukin-2 (IL-2) levels of 40 patients who have migraine without aura, during migraine attack and attack free period.During migraine attack mean IL-2 level was 612,46 ± 554,04 pg/ml. During attack-free period the mean level of plasma IL-2 was 557,02± 477,87. The mean plasma IL-2 level ofthe control group was 358,07 ± 268,04. We compared the patient group and control group statistically with student T test . The difference was statistically meaningfullyhigh both during migraine attack and during attack-free period, compared with controlgroup (p=0,014, 0,032). There wasn't meaningful difference of IL-2 levels taken during attack compared with the levels taken during attack free period (p=0,63). In conclusion, our study supports the idea of immun mechanisms may play a role in migraine pathogenesis.