Betigül YÜRÜTEN, Serhat TOKGÖZ

Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji AD. [email protected]

Keywords: Orbital pseudotumor, orbital myositis.


Idiopathic orbital inflammation (orbital pseudotumor) represents a nongranulomatous inflammatory process of the orbit that can involve any tissue like extraocular muscles, fat or lacrimal gland. Orbital myositis is a subtype of orbital pseudotumor. Here we reported a 34-year old woman presented with decreasing visual acuity, diplopia, ptosis, restriction of ocular motility, disc edema, chemosis and pain on the right eye and minimally edema and decreasing visual acuity on the left. Orbital MRI showed enlargement and mass lesion in right lateral rectus muscle extanding the optic foramina. Clinical and radiographic abnormalities quickly improved after steroid therapy.