Pınar ÇE1, İpek İNCİ1, Muhteşem GEDİZLİOĞLU1, Hatice DERELİ1, Esra ARPACI1, Metin AKINCILAR2

1İzmir Bozyaka SSK Eğitim Hastanesi, Nöroloji Kliniği. [email protected]
2İzmir Bozyaka SSK Hastanesi, 3. Dahiliye Kliniği

Keywords: Hypertiroidism, visual evoked potentials, optic neuropathy.


A rare but an important complication of hypertiroidism is optic neuropathy. In this study our aim was to determine the importance of Patern Reversal Visual Evoked Potentials (PRVEP) in order to establish optic neuropathy in hypertiroidism. Thirty-four patients and 18 normal subjects were included in the study. According to freeT3, free T4, TSH levels, 29 hypertiroidic patients were our primary group and 5 eutiroidic patients were the second group. The mean age of the hypertiroidic group was 47,67 20,46, of the normal control group was 49,8311,83 and of the eutiroidic group was 47 14. After neuroophtalmologic examination we evaluated PRVEP. There was statistically meaningful prolongation of N75 and p100 latancies of both eyes of the hypertiroidic group. There was prologation of N145 latancies of both eyes compared to control group but the difference was not meanningful. There was no difference between eutiroidic group compared to control group. Mann Whitney-U test was used for statistical evaluation. In conclusion, we think that PRVEP may be useful for the evaluation of optic neuropathy in hypertiroidism before clinical symptoms began.