Idiopathic Hypereosinophilic Syndrome as a Rare Cause of Stroke: A Case Report
Esra Turğut1, Murat Alpua1
, Selim Yalçın2
, Oya Coşkun3
, Mirace Yasemin Karadeniz Bilgili4
, Ergin Ayaşlıoğlu Açıkgöz5
, Özlem Coşkun1
1Kirikkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Kirikkale, Turkey
2Kirikkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Oncology, Kirikkale, Turkey
3Kirikkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Kirikkale, Turkey
4Kirikkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Kirikkale, Turkey
5Kirikkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Infectious Diseases, Kirikkale, Turkey
Keywords: Cerebrovascular accident, hypereosinophilic syndrome, ischemic stroke, hypereosinophilia
Hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) is a rare hematological disease that causes organ damage by eosinophil infiltration in the tissue with increased eosinophil production in the bone marrow. HES is a rare but important cause of stroke. Central nervous system involvement findings can be serious and life-threatening. Eosinophil values should be examined as the cause of stroke, and hypereosinophilia should be suspected, especially in young patients with no etiology. Reported herein is a case of a 47-year-old female patient who was followed up with the diagnosis of acute cerebrovascular disease due to idiopathic HES.
A voluntary informed consent form was obtained from the patient before the preparation of this case report.
Internally peer-reviewed.
Surgical and Medical Practices: M.A., Concept: S.Y., Design: O.C., Data Collection or Processing: M.Y.K.B., Analysis or Interpretation: Ö.C., Literature Search: E.A.A., Writing: E.T.
The authors have not declared any conflict of interest related to this article.
No financial support was received from any institution or person for our study.