Dilaver Kaya1, Alp Dinçer2, Önder Us1

1Department Of Neurology, Acibadem Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
2Department Of Radiology, Acıbadem Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey

Keywords: headache, stroke, diffusion MRI, hypertention, PLES


Reversible Posterior Leucoencephalopathy (PLES) Syndrome

Scientific background: The posterior leucoencephalopathy (PLES) is a

clinico-radiological syndrome characterised by headache, nausea,

vomiting, disturbances in cognition, depressed level of consciousness,

visual abnormalities and convulsions. It is commonly associated with

malignant hypertension, toxemia of pregnancy or use of

immunosuppressive agents.

O b j e c t i v e: We, here, report a case of reversible posterior

leucoencephalopathy syndrome in a patient submitted with headache,

hypertension, quadranopia and the importance of performing cranial

imaging and the benefit of diffusion MRI in the differential diagnosis of

P L E S.

F i n d i n g s: MRI and diffusion MRI studies have been performed in a 35

year old male patient with hypertension and renal failure, and diffuse

posterior system lesions have been found.

C o n c l u s i o n: The patient’s clinical and radiologic recovery occurs

following control of blood pressure.