Nida Taşçılar1, Derya Karadeniz2

1Department Of Neurology, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Faculty Of Medicine, Zonguldak, Turkey
2Department Of Neurology, İstanbul University, Cerrahpasa Faculty Of Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey

Keywords: REM sleep behavior disorder, medico-legal aspects, polysomnography, REM sleep, parasomnia


Scientific BACKGROUND: Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a parasomnia characterised by dream-enacting behaviors and loss of normal REM sleep muscle atonia. It could occur idiopathically or accompanying neurodegenerative diseases. “Acting out of dreams” permits violent or injurious behaviors. These behaviors could result in laceration, fractures, subdural haematomas and so on. In developed countries, the legal implications of these behaviors have been discussing and debating in medical and legal literature. But in Turkey, legal aspects of RBD have not discussed yet.

CONCLUSION: In this review, the clinic, pathopysiology, therapy and medicolegal aspects of RBD is discussed.